Old Testament

Hebrew ScriptInterpretation by codeEnglish interpretation / Legacy used
תנ״ךTaNaKhTanakh / The L-P-W / The Old Testament
• תורה• Tɷrâ̍• Torah / The Law / The Pentateuch
— בְּרֵאשִׁית— Bәrê∫î̍t— Bereshit / In the beginning / Genesis
— וְאֵ֫לֶּה שְׁמוֹת— Vә|ɂê̍ℓℓe ∫әmɷ̍t— Ve-elleh shemot / And these are the names / Exodus
— וַיִּקְרָא— Va|yyîqrâ̍— Va-yikra / And He called / Leviticus
— בְּמִדְבַּר— Bәmɪḏba̍r— Bemidbar / In the wilderness / Numbers
— אֵ֫לֶּה הַדְּבָרִים— ɂÊ̍ℓℓe ha|dәḇârî̍m— Elleh ha-deybarim / These are the words / Deuteronomy
• נביאים• Nәḇîɂî̍m• Nevieem / The Prophets
— יְהוֹשֻׁ֫עַ— Yәhɷ∫u̍a— Yehoshua / Joshua
— שֹׁפְטִים— ⟆ôp̄әʈî̍m— Shofayteem / Judges
— שְׁמוּאֵל א— ⟆әmûɂêℓ 1— 1 Shemuyel / 1 Samuel
— שְׁמוּאֵל ב— ⟆әmûɂêℓ 2— 2 Shemuyel / 2 Samuel
— מְלָכִים א— Mәℓâḵî̍m 1— Melaheem 1 / 1 Kings
— מְלָכִים ב— Mәℓâḵî̍m 2— Melaheem 2 / 2 Kings
— יְשַׁעְיָ֫הוּ / יְשַׁעְיָה— Yә∫ayâ̍ / Yә∫ayâ̍hû— Yeshayah, Yeshayahu / Isaiah
— יִרְמְיָ֫הוּ / יִרְמְיָה— Îrmәyâ̍ / Îrmәyâ̍hû— Yeeremayah, Yeeremayahu / Jeremiah
— יְחֶזְקֵאל— Yәḥezqêℓ— Yehezqel / Ezekiel
— הוֹשֵׁ֫עַ— Hɷ∫ê̍a— Hoshea / Hosea
— יוֹאֵל— Yɷɂê̍ℓ— Yoyel / Joel
— עָמוֹס— ᴥÂmɷ̍ϭ— Wamos / Amos
— עֹבַדְיָה— ᴥÔḇaḏyâ̍— Wobathyah / Obadiah
— יוֹנָה— Yɷnâ— Yonah / Jonah
— מִיכָה— Mîḵâ— Mihah / Micah
— נַחוּם— Naḥû̍m— Nahum
— חֲבַקּוּק— Ḥäḇaqqû̍q— Habaqquq / Habakkuk
— צְפַנְיָה— Ϛәp̄anyâ̍— Zephanyah / Zephaniah
— חַגַּ֫י— Ḥagga̍ɪ— Haggai
— זְכַרְיָה— Zәḵaryâ— Zecharyah / Zechariah
— מַלְאָכִי— Maℓɂâḵî̍— Malaahi / Malachi
• כתובים• Kәtûḇî̍m• Ketuveem / Writings
— תְּהִלִּים— Tәhɪℓℓî̍m— Tehilleem / Psalms
— אִיּוֹב— ɂÎyɷ̍ḇ— Eyov / Job
— מִשְׁלֵי— Mɪ∫ℓê̍— Mishleh / Proverbs
— רוּת— Rût— Rhoot / Ruth
— שִׁיר הַשִּׁירִית— ⟆îr ha|⟆⟆îrî̍m— Sheer hashireem / The Song of Songs (or of Solomon)
— קֹהֶ֫לֶת— Qôhe̍ℓet— Qauhelet / Ecclesiastes
— אֵיכָה— ɂÊḵâ̍— Eyhah / Lamentations
— אֶסְתֵּר— ɂEϭtê̍r— Ester / Esther
— דָּנִיֵּאל— Dânîyê̍ℓ— Daniyel / Daniel
— עֶזְרָא— ᴥEzrâ̍— Wezrah / Ezra
— נְחֶמְיָה— Nәḥemyâ— Nehemeyah / Nehemiah
— דִּבְרֵי הַיָּמִים א— Dɪḇrê̍ ha|Yyâmî̍m 1— Divreh hayameem 1 / The words during the Days 1 / 1 Chronicles
— דִּבְרֵי הַיָּמִים ב— Dɪḇrê̍ ha|Yyâmî̍m 2— Divreh hayameem 2 / The words during the Days 2 / 2 Chronicles

New Testament

Greek Script (Alex. C.)Interpretation by codeEnglish interpretation / Legacy used
Εὐαγγέλιον κατὰ Ματθαῖον
Evagge̍ℓɪon kata̍ Matṯæ̍onEvaggelyon kata Mattheon / The Gospel according to Matthew
Εὐαγγέλιον κατὰ ΜάρκονEvagge̍ℓɪon kata̍ Ma̍rkon
Evaggelyon kata Markon / The Gospel according to Mark
Εὐαγγέλιον κατὰ Λουκᾶν
Evagge̍ℓɪon kata̍ Loykâ̍n
Evaggelyon kata Lukan / The Gospel according to Luke
Εὐαγγέλιον κατὰ Ἰωάννην
Evagge̍ℓɪon kata̍ Iɷa̍nnên
Evaggelyon kata Yoannen / The Gospel according to John
Πράξεις τῶν ἁγίων Ἀποστόλων
Pra̍xeɪs tɷn ḥaḡɪ̍ɷn Aposto̍ℓɷn
Praxis ton hayeeon apostolon / Acts of the St. Apostles
Ἰακώβου Ἐπιστολή
Iakɷ̍ḇoy Epɪstoℓê̍
Yakovu Epistoleh / The Epistle of St. James
Πέτρου Α
Pe̍troy 1
Petru 1 / 1 Peter
Πέτρου Β
Pe̍troy 2
Petru 2 / 2 Peter
Ἰωάννου Α
Iɷa̍nnoy 1
Yoannu 1 / 1 John
Ἰωάννου Β
Iɷa̍nnoy 2
Yoannu 2 / 2 John
Ἰωάννου Γ
Iɷa̍nnoy 3
Yoannu 3 / 3 John
Ἰούδα Ἐπιστολή
Ioy̍ḏa Epɪstoℓê̍
Yuda Epistoleh / The Epistle of Jude
Πρὸς Ῥωμαίους
Pros Rɷmæ̍oysPros Romaius / To the Romans
Πρὸς Κορινθίους Α
Pros Korɪnṯɪ̍oys 1
Pros Korinthius 1 / The 1st to the Korinthians
Πρὸς Κορινθίους Β
Pros Korɪnṯɪ̍oys 2
Pros Korinthius 2 / The 2nd to the Korinthians
Πρὸς Γαλάτας
Pros Ḡaℓa̍tasPros Walaytas / To the Galatians
Πρὸς Ἐφεσίους
Pros Ep̄esɪ̍oys
Pros Ephessius / To the Ephesians
Πρὸς Φιλιππησίους
Pros P̄ɪℓɪppêsɪ̍oys
Pros Philippessius / To the Philippians
Πρὸς Κολασσαείς
Pros Koℓassaeɪ̍s
Pros Kolassaees / To the Colossians
Πρὸς Θεσσαλονικείς Α
Pros Ṯessaℓonɪkeɪ̍s 1Pros Thessalonikees 1 / The 1st to the Thessalonians
Πρὸς Θεσσαλονικείς Β
Pros Ṯessaℓonɪkeɪ̍s 2
Pros Thessalonikees 2 / The 2nd to the Thessalonians
Πρὸς Ἑβραίους
Pros Ḥeḇræ̍ѹs
Pros Hebraius / To the Hebrews
Πρὸς Τιμόθεον Α
Pros Tɪmo̍ṯeon 1
Pros Timotheon 1 / The 1st to Timothy
Πρὸς Τιμόθεον Β
Pros Tɪmo̍ṯeon 2
Pros Timotheon 2 / The 2nd to Timothy
Πρὸς Τίτον
Pros Tɪ̍ton
Pros Teeton / To Titus
Πρὸς Φιλήμονα
Pros P̄ɪℓê̍monaPros Phileymona / To Philemon
Ἀποκάλυψις Ἰωάννου
Apoka̍ℓypsɪs Iɷa̍nnoy
Apocalypses Yoannu / The Revelation of John

Here is a PDF which has an index about the interpretation of the Hebrew Script and the International code

Here is the genealogical tree of the Semitic language (with red colour are biblical languages, gold are translations, blue is the Jesus Christ language, and green is the phoenician)

Jewish encyclopaedia, and European Commentary

Encyclopaedia Judaica (22 vols.)
CHS-CDH-SRMS [Lange-Schaff]

CHS-CDH-SRMS [Lange-Schaff]
The Jewish Encyclopedia
Intro-OTIntro Gen.Sp. Intro Gen.GenesisIntro NTSp. Intro NTHomiletical Intro
vol. 1 [A]
Intro-3-mid-booksSp. IntroExodusIntro MatthewMatthewIntro MarkMark
vol. 2 [A-B]
Intro Lev.Note on Lev. Scrf.LeviticusIntro LukeHist. Pref.LukeIntro JohnJohn
vol. 3 [B-C]
Intro Num.NumbersIntro Deut.Deut.AppendixIntro ActsActsIntro Rom.Rom.
vol. 4 [C-D]
Intro Jos.Jos.Intro Jud.Jud.Intro RuthRuthIntro Gal.Gal.Intro Eph.Eph.
vol. 5 [D-G]
Intro Sam.1 Sam.2 Sam.Intro Philipp.Philipp.Intro Col.Col.
vol. 6 [G-I]
Intro Kgs.1 Kgs.2 Kgs.Intro Thess.1 Thess.2 Thess.
vol. 7 [I-L]
Intro Chr.1 Chr.2 Chr.Pastor. Let. IntroIntro 1 Tim.1 Tim.
vol. 8 [L-M]
Intro Ezr.-Neh.Ezr.Intro Neh.Neh.Intro Est.Est.Intro 2 Tim.2 Tim.Intro TitusTitus
vol. 9 [M-P]
Intro Poet. booksRythmical vrs. book JobIntro Philim.Philim.Intro Hebr.Hebr.
vol. 10 [P-S]
Sp. intro Rythmical vrs. + Rythmical vrs.Intro JamesJamesIntro 1 Petr.1 Petr.
vol. 11 [S-T]
AddendaJob (translated & edited) IntroJob (hist. intro)concl.Intro 2 Petr.2 Petr.Intro 1 John1 John
vol. 12 [T-Z]
Intro Ps.1-4142-7273-8990-106107-150Intro 2-3 John2 John3 John

New Version Ps. › 1-4142-7273-8990-106107-150Intro Jude + comm.Intro Apocal.Apocal.

Intro Prov.Prov.Intro Eccles.Eccles.Index GreekTopical Index

Intro Mertical vrs.Mrtc. vrs.Intro Song of Sol.Songs of Sol.

Intro Is.Is.list of Hebr. words

Intro Jer.Jer.Intro Lam.Lam.

Intro Ezk.Ezk.Intro Dan.Dan.

Intro Minor ProphetsIntro Hos.Hos.Intro JoelJoel

Intro AmosAmosIntro Obad.Obad.

Intro JonahJonahIntro MicahMicahIntro NahumNahum

Intro Hab.Hab.Intro Zeph.Zeph.Intro Hag.Hag.

Intro Zech.Zech.Intro Mal.Mal.

Apocr. IntroIntro 1 Esd.1 Esd.Intro Tob.Tob

Intro JudithJudithIntro Add. Est.Add. Est. Gr.Add. Est.

Intro Wisd.Wisd.Intro Eccl/cusEccl/cusIntro Bar.Bar.

Intro L. Jer.L. Jer.Intro Add. Dan.3 chldr.Sus.Bel & Dragon

Intro Pr. ManassehPr. ManassehIntro 1 Macc.1 Macc.

Intro 2 Macc.2 Macc.Intro 3 Macc.3 Macc.

4-5 Macc.Ap. 1, 2nd book Esd.

Ap. 2, OT Pseudep.List of authorit.

Index Hebr. of Lange Comm.Index Topical